Sunday, 15 January 2012


It's been a pretty mental couple of weeks over at Hardknott towers. The new year saw us with orders for pallets which we are still attempting to catch up with. Dave and Ann have been shooting off around the country sealing deals and bringing back exotic items from the far north.

All of this has culminated in me checking on my blog, rather belatedly, and finding that I've gone past 1000 page views in the last few days. (I've also found a draft I started on New Year's Eve and had forgotten all about, but we shall gloss over that...)

Anyway, thanks to all who've popped by. My aims for blogging in 2012 are threefold:

a) I'd like to do more of it;
b) I'd like to get better at it;
c) I'd like to learn how to more carefully tread that line between interesting and controversial.

I hope that meets with everyone's approval!

In the meantime, I'm driving across to Sunderland today in preparation for taking the Brewlab Brewing Skills Development course ovedr the next 4 days or so. This will, all being well, improve our consistency of putting great beer out there (which I'm told is already pretty good anyway), as well as help me sharpen up my practices and make us a bit more efficient.

So here's to a year of great beer, great company and great fun.

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