Friday, 29 July 2011

Brand New Blogger

Despite having a couple of blogs already pass by the wayside, I'm now endeavouring again to start something convincing.

This coming Sunday, I'll be completing my last day as @BarmanAlex at Strawberry Bank and becoming @HardknottAlex of the Hardknott Brewery. I'll still be running both accounts on twitter by the way, BarmanAlex will be my personal account.

This is something that has been on my list for some time, I love the life at the pub and the last three and a half years have been immensely important to me in the formation of my career, however ever since my first (disastrous) homebrewing escapades, I've wanted to make beer.

I believe I've landed right on my feet as well, Dave and Ann have created a brand which is one of the most creative and forward-thinking, not just in Cumbria, but in the whole of the UK. Their beers cover an eclectic range of styles, using a mix of traditional and modern, cutting edge techniques. They are not afraid of hops either, using big, fruity American varieties alongside some of the best offerings from England and New Zealand.

So, I have a few days left at the Masons Arms, then its diving headlong into my work with Hardknott... attending the GBBF at Earls Court on Monday, followed by IPA Day at Mr Foley's in Leeds. It's a dirty job, but you know what? Someone's got to do it.


  1. Good luck with both the blog and the new job...

  2. Cheers Gregg! I should also change my GBBF day to Tuesday. I've a feeling the Monday may be a bit quiet...

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